
Hello Blogosphere!

Sorry for the lack of posting. I spent last weekend having WAY too much fun with my family in Salt Lake (yay!) and then hit the ground running when I got back.

One thing my life isn't?


And you know what are absolutely delicious?

Rice noodles stir-fried with San J's Asian BBQ sauce.

We are getting more or less near the end of the quarter. Here's what I've got on my plate:

*Variable request! I'm asking for the variables from the study that I might use in my thesis!
*Reading... reading... reading. Which is what I should be doing right now! :-)
*Presentation for my lab's meeting. In about a week and a half! *eek*
*Guest lecture for the course I'm TAing!
*Reading and grading 160 or so 8 page papers! Wahoo.........?
*Lit review
*And I think that's about it.

Not too shabby. Now, back to work!


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