Give us this day our daily love

The first time I was exposed to the spoken Lord's Prayer was in middle school when I attended a United Church of Christ service with some close friends. It says so much so simply. 

Being someone who leans on the side of long-winded, I appreciate the short reminders and prayers. "Fear not." "God is love."

This St. Valentine's Day, Pope Francis spoke to around 10,000 engaged couples about marriage. I've read his remarks a few times these past two days and I absolutely love his idea for a prayer "Give us this day our daily love." Daily love. Something we all need.

I've been reflecting a lot on what has happened in the past year. I am so grateful that my family is alive and healthy. I am so grateful to have another niece, who I cannot wait to meet and hold this Friday. I am grateful for Sean and for all the growth that we've had in our relationship. 


In other news, my catechesis is officially over as of Thursday night. It makes me a little sad but I am looking forward to this period of enlightenment coming up in March. I have a gigantic Easter candle (I'm not kidding! It's 18 inches tall!) to decorate as well as a panel for my confirmation robe. I feel some crafting coming up in the near future!

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