Some of My Favorite People

Caitlin and I enjoying some Thai iced teas after watching Julie & Julia

Aurora and I enjoying some drinks at SLP&P

Russ and I in fabulous AEB 220

Cheryl, Jenny, and I, again, in fantastic AEB 220

Dear Blogosphere,

Unacceptable number of updates in August. I do apologize. The past weeks have been CRAZY. It's like I've been on vacation in Salt Lake. To update you...

-Saw Rushmore at the Tower Theater with Caitlin.
-Did the Great Music Swap with Khrystine.
-Saw The Hangover and The Jerk at Brewvies with Wes.
-Rode a long and crazy emotional roller coaster. I am finally disembarking.
-Paid lots and lots of money in rent.
-Bought clothes and stuffs.
-Enjoyed a delicious meal made by my darling Aurora.
-Ate at SLP&P like... 20 times?
-Visited the U and will be visiting again before I go.
-Set the official date for leaving lovely Salt Lake. September 5!

Enjoy the pictures above. Of course, they are only some of my favorite people. Not all. :-)


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