My Life is Fantastic. Exhibit A.

So today was absolutely wonderful for so many reasons. I got up bright and early, working in bed, then went off to a lab meeting that was fun (the first week of the quarter is always good, it's hopeful), then to lunch with my amazing peer mentee, Maricela. We talked pregnancy, labor, babies and academia whilst eating salmon with roasted veg and a crazy good browned butter sauce with walnuts and capers. Oh, my.

I arrived home to find my zipcard in my mailbox. Ye haw! After chatting with a friend for a while, I decided to rent a car for the day.

A Caitlin Mobile! AKA Scion xB (the car with the underbite).
And I found this out...

My phone can lock, unlock, and honk the car. Weird!
Anyway, all of this car renting was for one purpose.

Tiffany Bow Box.
Containing this...

It's very intricate and feminine, but simple and classic, of course. So, naturally, I'm in love.

I also went to Target to pick up a birthday present from my mom -- a mini food processor. I'm making salsas! It's going to be my new hobby. Megan (if you read this), I'm making your dad's mango salsa as soon as... tomorrow. Yeah, I am so in the mood.

Happy Thursday!

4 remarks:

Caitlin said...

Love the bracelet! And let me know about the salsa making...My San Diegan blood knows a thing or two about good salsa. :)

Jen said...

That zipcard thing is the coolest! I am still looking into it but chances are I'm probably joining! :)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day! I love the bracelet - and the zip car. Your exhibits are awesome!

Aurora said...

Ok you just made my day, here I am being bored as hell at work and I start randomly reading your old blog posts and I come across this!!! I'm literally laughing so hard right now, because it is SOOOO like you to have done something like this: for a Tiffany Bracelet!!! LOL You are one amazing woman Nat! I love you!!