Sunny Days and Midterms!

Sunny, lovely weather on Monday!
How I spent my Monday!
Organizing 500 exams is just as much fun as it sounds.
But it's all good when you have a Caitlin around!
Just a quick blog post to say I am still alive. It's been sunny and lovely this week but unfortunately, I haven't really gotten to enjoy it much, aside from running around on campus. I've fallen behind on pretty much everything but I have faith that it will all come together at the end. It won't be pretty, but it'll happen.

Happy Wednesday, fools!

3 remarks:

Emily said...

I am so jealous of your gorgeous weather! People studying outside - it's hard to imagine with how cold it is in SLC!

Caitlin said...

So glad you're still alive! I hope school isn't *too* crazy and that you're getting a few breaks in between all the crazy grading, thesis-ing, and school work.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the photo of all the work you are doing. It looks like tons of fun!