Scholarly Sunday - New Quarter!

Dear Blogosphere,

Tomorrow begins a new quarter! Here are the classes I am taking:
  • Genetic Correlates of Behavior
  • Correlation and Regression
  • Development in Middle Childhood and Adolescence
Exciting, eh? I am really excited for the genetics course as the topic will be new to me! We'll even be learning about animal models, which is very, very neat.
Correlation and Regression will be my fifth course in statistics! Wowza. I've heard good things about the professor and we will be using STATA which rocks.
Middle Childhood and Adolescence should be very interesting as I haven't taken a course yet that focuses on these ages. Hopefully I will run across some things to narrow down my focus even more.

That's it for this Scholarly Sunday! Hopefully next week I will have some more scholarly things to talk about...

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