- My MacBook Pro. *Hugs* And Google Scholar. How did people do grad school without the Internet??
- Ibuprofin
- Friendly professors who tell you that the lowest grade they've ever given in a particular graduate seminar is an 'A-'
- Being back in Davis, studying with the coolest people ever. HDGG Cohort 2009 FTW!
Thankful Thursday - MBP, IBU, Profs, & Cohort
I am so very thankful for...
1 remarks:
If I told you stories of my grad school days, I'd start sounding like the proverbial grandparent who trudged four miles each way to school in the snow, barefoot!
Suffice it to say that what one can accomplish in a minute or two on PsycLit took hours "back in the old days."
And I'm not *that* old, but when I was at Michigan, some of the profs there told of rooms full of women punching 10-keys to generate the calculations necessary to do a factor analysis. It took *days* back in the 40s and 50s (when Ray Cattell was doing his 16PF work) to do a factor analysis that SPSS can do in seconds today.
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