Written Wednesday - Recruitment Weekend


I have nothing profound or creative to write. Therefore I'm going to tell you about something that's happening in the next few weeks!

Stephanie (a cohortie, as I now call them) called me to tell me that a friend of hers go into UC Davis and is going to come! That's quite exciting to pretty much already have a new friend up here (I hear he's really cool) and it's also exciting because recruitment weekend is coming up soon!

The program I'm in does a weekend for recruits, involving tours of the various labs on campus, meeting faculty, going to parties, and mingling with current students! It will be fun to see who got into the program and be asked the question, "So, what do you study?" And give the answer, "I'm not sure yet. I'm just a first year...." It's weird because I knew what I wanted to do a year ago. But then I starting finding out about doing stuff with fMRI and social anxiety in adolescents, and genetics, and Autism Spectrum Disorders, so I'm in a world of indecision. But in one year I'll be writing my thesis.

But I'm looking forward to meeting all the future first years and the free food and wine!

(By the way, I'm eating a very tasty salad with peas and cottage cheese on it. Sort of a weird combo, but I'd always make it for lunch when I volunteered at PCMC... and before I was dxed with Celiacs, I'd get the salad and a grilled cheese sandwich. Mmm...)

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