Fantasy Friday - Past, Present, Future

I have been experiencing difficulties coming up with a topic for Fantasy Friday. Enter mindless Myspace quiz (reformatted, of course).


I was born one dark gray morn... in Salt Lake City. As a child, my favorite toys were Polly Pockets, Barbies, and stuffed animals (remember when Beanie Babies were big?). My favorite hobbies were making mud pies, playing, listening to music, playing the piano, and tormenting adults. My childhood in one word? Epic. I went to preschool for two years and remember it being a lot of fun. My two most vivid memories of preschool are playing at the water table (it seemed soooo big when I was little!) and "putting on our thinking caps" to learn the alphabet. The first school I attended was the Coppertop, but I went to the late Rosslyn Heights for kindergarten. I never moved during my childhood, though I did switch schools for 6th grade. The biggest part of my childhood, I would have to say, is when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. It changed my life. My first "boyfriend" was Nick in preschool.
I have changed a bit in the past year. I feel very autonomous and strangely powerful. In a way I feel lost but I don't mind it. I don't feel like I found my identity during high school... rather, I think I'm just starting to figure myself out. It's exciting. I have really changed in the last five years. I feel like I spent adolescence at one extreme or the other. I think I have found homeostasis.


I currently attend the University of California at Davis. It rocks. I live in Downtown Davis in a cozy little flat. I have many friends, some closer than others. My current style... for my apartment it's modern/Scandinavian, though it has been interpreted as "Asian," for clothes it is simple but changes with the seasons, other style? I guess I just like things clean and bold. And I will never say no to something burnt orange or avocado. :-) My current mood is content. Though, ask me that question in two days and who knows what you'll read! Current hobbies are walking, traveling, reading (though, is it a hobby if it is assigned?), and socializing. My talents include: a vicious clown laugh, reading large quantities of academic literature, cooking tasty food, and the ability to take part in lengthy sleep sessions. My current philosophical beliefs are somewhat... unstable at the moment. I guess the easiest term to describe them is agnostic, as I don't know what I believe. I have a lot of hope, though, which is probably all that most people attain anyway. My favorite food varies by moment, but right now I will say enchiladas. Ooh, craving 'em! My favorite drink is probably Diet Coke but I love a lot of different things! My least favorite food would have to be anything with gluten in it. Yuck. My least favorite drink is wine... but I've only had it once.
Something that you may not know about me... well, I already told you. My clown laugh. It is similar to Krusty's. No one outside of my immediate family will ever hear it though. Another thing you may not know about me... I don't like heights but I love flying in planes.
Last year, I would have never expected everything I have learned in the past year. Holy cow.


I am very excited for the future. "The good old days weren't always good and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems" (Billy Joel). I expect very little in my future mostly because of where I am right now. I know what I'll be doing next year at this time, but the year after that? I have no clue. What do you want to do with your life? the quiz asks. Well, I want to make a big ripple in the ocean of humanity. I want to find out something new and share it with the world. I want to help people. Attempt to give back everything the world has given to me, though I know that is an impossible task.
My dream house is a small Victorian or Tudor, three-ish bedrooms, filled with wonderful people. I'd like for it to be an older home with walls full of memories.

...The rest of the questions in the quiz thing are about death which, frankly, I'm not in the mood for! Ha ha. Well, there's a wordy post for you! See you in a few for Snapshot Saturday.

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