Best felt just once - Photo.a.Day

Today I decided to finally chop up an old journal full of sad memories. It's a way of letting things go, I suppose. As I read the entries while cutting, I thought
Goodbye journal.

4 remarks:

Kayla said...

I really like that thought. I have old journals that should probably be rid of, but I haven't done it because I think that these things happened to me and maybe I want to hold onto them. But not everything needs to be kept. Some things are best let go. Lovely thought, Nat. :)

Natalie said...

Thanks for the comment, Kayla! I agree -- that's why I kept it for so long. It's through tough situations that we become who we are. So I completely understand holding on to old journals.

Emily said...

I think this is a great idea. I need to come up with a way to let go of past sadness and anger. I think that there is always going to be a part of my heart that is a little broken.

Anonymous said...

You destroy what I distro!